1001 Albums: Rumours


Album: Rumours

Artist: Fleetwood Mac

Year: 1977

Length: 38:55

Genre: Pop Rock / Soft Rock

“I know I got nothin’ on you
I know there’s nothin’ to do
When times go bad
And you can’t get enough
Won’t you lay me down in the tall grass
And let me do my stuff”

Second Hand News

My journey with Fleetwood Mac has been a fun one. What started off as a band I was relatively dismissive of, exponentially became a band I found myself loving quite a bit. The first time I heard Rumours, I remember thinking “this is it?”. After hearing so many people praise it as one of the best albums to exist and as one of the greatest listening experiences… it’s safe to say I had found myself vastly disappointed (with a few exceptions here and there). However, that was over ten years ago when I was just starting my musical journey and my sense of musical appreciation hadn’t developed yet. At the time I was only interested in listening to Post-Punk, New Wave Music like Devo, Talking Heads, B-52’s, Pere Ubu and all, so of course Fleetwood Mac seemed kinda meh in comparison. However, with each new listen, I found myself enjoying Rumours more and more. As my appreciation for music in general grew, so did my appreciation and enjoyment of Rumours. No longer was it an album I found “boring” anymore but an album I could enjoy from start to end and this sentiment keeps growing with each listen.

Something that always fascinates me about this album is how much the band members hated each other when making it. There was so much tension and drama happening between them all, especially with each couple now breaking up, having affairs with each other and just causing so much drama, that it’s an absolutely shock they not only managed to record an album but an all-time great album. Usually bands fall apart when shit starts to go sour, but Fleetwood Mac somehow became better when they hated each other. It’s astonishing to think that band members were playing on songs that were specifically calling them out or singing lyrics that were a take down of themselves, and played and sung with as much professionalism and passion as if it were any other song. I have no idea how they did it. From my experience, every time I had to work on something with someone I hated, it never worked out and always turned to piss.

I admire their professionalism for being able to set aside their differences when it came to recording and also fuel all that hatred into their music, which definitely gives an extra layer to the music. You can feel the sarcasm, the disdain, the pure heartbreak and malice seeping through the dark underbelly of this whole alum and I don’t think it would work if that wasn’t there at all. I guess that’s what they did right, focused their feelings in a productive way rather than towards each other. I can say, from experience, when you don’t like the people you’re working with, that creative project just barely grows legs. It’s constant fighting or avoidance to the point that you just can’t have anything develop. I wonder if I were to go back in time and use those feelings to fuel my creativity rather than have me stop dead in my tracks, what I might have been able to produce. Sure, I would have to sit with the fact that I created a product that is filled with hate, but at least it would have been something, and something honest no doubt. If Fleetwood Mac could produce their greatest piece of work purely from spite for each other, than who knows what we could all do if we used our hate in more positive ways… not that I’m suggesting we all get filled with hate and go out and create art… let’s try to keep it positive, eh?

Two songs on this album also give me nostalgic feelings unrelated to the album itself in any way. I have spent many long hours playing Go Your Own Way on Guitar Hero and have come very close to getting 100 percent on it! It’s such a fun song to play and I know one day I will achieve that perfect score! The other comes from a more random place but one that reminds me of a very short period of my life that was enjoyable. A friend of mine from over ten years ago and I found ourselves randomly singing Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow in this very joyous and excited way (completely misunderstanding what the song was actually about). We didn’t even know any of the lyrics, we just kept singing that one specific part over and over and would find ourselves skipping arm and arm as we sang the song. It became this sort of weird anthem for this part of my life that is merely a blip, but a blip I look back on fondly in its own way. We sort of repurposed the song into this anthem of positivity. We took hate and turned it into love. Even though we did it without realising it, there’s something kind of nice about that, especially coming from me who has grown into a massive cynic and pessimist. Maybe there’s something to be learned from 16 year old me, even if 16 year old me had zero awareness of what he was doing. They do say ignorance is bliss… maybe there’s a lesson to be learned there… but that would require stripping myself of all my knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained over the years and that just seems like a terrible idea.

Is it true that to know less means to be happier? Would we all be better off if we just knew nothing and did everything in blissful ignorance? I don’t know and am probably overthinking it. But Fleetwood Mac knew a lot and gained success from it… so there.


Who knows.

Fuck it.

Favourite Song: Go Your Own Way


Mixtape Monday: Week of December 4th

Weekly Mixtapes Based Off the Albums I Listened to in the Previous Week!

This has to be one of the heftiest mixtape weeks I’ve ever had. As December hit, the end of the year was seen over the horizon and my goal to listen to 1000 albums in the year was soon to be met. I hit album 900 just shy of the beginning of the month and realised I would have to up my listening game if I wanted to meet that goal successfully, which wasn’t aided by my low numbers through November. This week I just kicked into full gear and listened to way more than I ever did. Where I usually average about 26 albums a week, I hit 32 this one, which I couldn’t believe! Almost like I was trying to overcompensate for my low numbers in November. I’m fairly confident that I will achieve my goal before the year ends, but for now, let’s enjoy this week’s playlist that has a variety of some old favourites of mine, some new favourites, new wave, post-punk, classic rock, synths, disco, pop, celtic, metal, art rock, dance and some familiar favourites that rocked the charts.

  1. Slint – Spiderland
    Not sure what compelled me to revisit this album. I own it on vinyl and have listened to it maybe twice, not because I don’t enjoy it but mainly because I just have so many albums and so much music that I listen to that I just never got around to listening to this one again. That’s really it. It’s funny because some music communities I am a part of seem to consider this album a masterpiece of sorts and it often gets cited as a great one. I guess I can sort of see where they’re coming from but it might take me a few more listens to potentially be on the same page as these Slint lovers. Either way, still one I enjoy, so good enough, right?
  2. The Slits – Cut
    Speaking of albums I personally think are masterpieces. Cut is a solid 10/10 album for me and has always been since the first time I listened to it. There’s an alluring quality to this album that keeps calling me back to it and I often find myself craving a listen. A craving that gets so strong I always have to put it on immediately with no question. Unsure where this craving comes from, but that’s just the power this album has over me and I will never fight it, only ever listen to it.
  3. Le Tigre – Le Tigre
    This is becoming my newest album obsession, I cannot get enough of it (which you all know since it keeps appearing on these lists). Since hearing it a few months ago, I’ve become addicted to it. Its music keeps entering my brain and sucking my energy like a parasite… a very cool parasite that I love and have named Bob. It’s quickly rising the ranks as one of my favourites of all time and there’s no doubt I’ll probably listen to it a ton of more times within the next few months. I’m sorry but I just can’t help it.
  4. Magazine – The Correct Use of Soap
    Spotify’s wrapped just came around and without fail, Because You’re Frightened (the opening song on this album) was my most listened to song for the fourth year in a row. There was only one thing I could really do to celebrate that and that was to listen to the album.
  5. The Damned – Damned Damned Damned
    I got a new rose! I got her good! Guess I knew that I always would!
  6. KISS – Rock and Roll Over
    Continuing my discography listen of KISS which had me question, why KISS, why now? So many bands I could do a discography listen to and for whatever reason I’m doing KISS? Why? Because I just felt like it, that’s why. That’s the best answer you’ll get.
  7. Meco – Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk
    This album at some point came up in conversation. I hadn’t thought about it in probably over a year or so, and just hearing it had me inspired to give it a listen. I’m always down for some goofy disco music, why not have it be Star Wars disco? Funny little thing I discovered, on Spotify, is that the listening bar is actually a lightsaber! Was a fun little thing to discover as I listened!
  8. The Cars – Shake It Up
    I find myself thinking of The Cars sometimes, but never really ever going back to any of their albums, even though I basically own all of them on vinyl. I definitely think of them more than I listen to them so I felt it made sense to go back and listen to one of their albums. Their debut felt like it made sense, but it’s the one I’ve heard the most, so I diverted my course to Shake it Up, just to… shake things up a bit… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… ha.
  9. Crispy Ambulance – The Plateau Phase
    Never heard of this band but it was suggested to me by Spotify. With a name like Crispy Ambulance, seemed like a sure-fire winner for a person like me. And I can say, I was not disappointed. Thank you, Spotufy, you really seem to understand my music tastes as a whole. I appreciate it.
  10. Soft Cell – Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret
    A personal favourite I wanted to revisit. Nothing much to say about that. I love this album. I wanted to listen to this album. I listened to it. There. That’s all. It’s a great album. Go listen to it yourself. Do it. I dare you. Now. GO!
  11. Bratmobile – Pottymouth
    Poopy, caca, doodoo, peepee.
  12. Duran Duran – Rio
    As I prepare for my next improv show where I use my albums as inspiration for improv sets, I felt I needed to actually listen to those albums again in order to A) figure out what to say about them and B) find which 30-second clip I’d go with for the show. Rio had so many great songs to choose from, but I ultimately went with the title song, although Hungry Like the Wolf almost won, Rio just had that extra edge.
  13. Van Halen – 1984
    This was the second album I was listening to for my show. I’ve always loved Van Halen and since this album was referenced at last month’s show, it only made sense to include it in the next. Another album where the selection of songs is so great that choosing a specific one was hard, but Panama has always been my favourite, so why not just go with what I love, right?
  14. This Heat – Deceit
    My parents were on the way to my place and since listening to certain kinds of music would be difficult to listen to while they’re around (mainly because they hate it), I took the opportunity to revisit this one while I still had the chance. I had only listened to it once before, so my memory of it was pretty low so it needed another listen so I could at least have a mild remembrance of it as a whole other than just I remember enjoying it. 
  15. Justice – Cross
    It plays, I dance, dance is good exercise, I like to dance, this album makes you dance, it plays, I dance. 
  16. Michael Jackson – Thriller
    This is a classic and basically is the proof as to why Michael Jackson is the king of pop. There’s just so many hits on this album, it’s unbelievable. This was the next album I had chosen for my show and the one I had the hardest time picking a song from because of just how many hits there are on it that people would recognise. It was a struggle but I think I made the right choice… I think… it could change… damn…
  17. Supertramp – Breakfast in America
    Final album I listened to for my show and I waited until my dad was over to listen to it since Supertramp is his favourite band and I believe this is his favourite album by them. Any time I can have those bonding moments with my parents, I will take them.
  18. The Teardrop Explodes – Kilimanjaro
    This is another album I love that I hadn’t listened to in a while and wanted to listen to again. Nothing more to that. I wanted to listen to it and so I did and now here it is. I love this album, I listen to it frequently. Thank you. *bows*
  19. Ian Dury – New Boots and Panties!!
    This reminds me… I need to buy boots for winter.
  20. Blondie – Parallel Lines
    I had the thought of how great One Way or Another would be for a villain song in a show and found myself playing that over and over in my head. Although, I was specifically thinking of the version from Hocus Pocus 2, it just meant I would come back to this album at some point from singing it so much to myself.
  21. The Jam – All Mod Cons
    I love The Jam and I feel they don’t get as much attention as they rightfully deserve. All Mod Cons was one of their critically acclaimed albums that I was the least familiar with, having spent my time listening to Sound Affects and Setting Sons way more often. Was time to give this one some love.
  22. Frank Zappa – Ahead of Their Time
    Can you believe I’m finally reaching the end of my Frank Zappa discography listen? Every year I say I’ll do it and every year I inevitably lose track of which album I left off of… not this year. I tracked them and after this one… there is only one Frank Zappa album to listen to (that is part of his discography before he died, because there’s a lot of posthumous releases). I did it… I finally did it!
  23. Cardiacs – Sing To God
    I had time at work where I could listen to an album and seeing how Cardiacs albums are not available in convenient ways for me to listen to, this was the perfect time to pop open Youtube and listen to this behemoth of an album. Any chance I get to listen to Cardiacs I will. 
  24. XTC – Black Sea
    Here’s an album that is in my top 10 favourites that I rarely get to listen to mainly due to how hard it is to come by. It isn’t on Spotify sadly and seeing as I either would listen to it on Vinyl or Youtube, it doesn’t get the amount of rotations it deserves and I, disappointingly, often forget about it, despite its place as one of my top 10 favourites. Regardless, that just means when I do finally come around to listening to it again it still packs that punch that I always got from it. This album never fails to disappoint.
  25. Adam Ant – Friend or Foe
    There’s an ongoing trend with these albums this week, where I just listened to them because I was in the mood to. It’s an album i enjoy and just at that particular moment really wanted to listen to it. So I did. I listened to this album. This one right here. Adam Ant’s Friend or Foe. I almost got to see the tour where he performed it in its entirety. He was playing at a venue right across the street from where I was doing a show that I thought would run at the same time as the concert but ended up finishing before it even started… I was not happy that day. So sad.
  26. Dexys Midnight Runners – Too Rye Ay
    Come on eileen, you know what I mean, you say you dono, andyouwaaayiiionnaa. Or whatever it is he’s saying through the song… I don’t know, but damn are these tunes great.
  27. Japan – Obscure Alternatives
    Never have I ever seen a white man trying so hard to become a Japanese man than with David Sylvain. It’s that hair, dude’s tyring real hard to seem like he’s straight out of an anime and I don’t even think anime existed in the way we know it now back then… or did it? My history on anime is basically non-existent.
  28. The Clash – The Clash
    I kept telling myself I was going to listen to this album for a while, but every time I finished an album and went on to the next, I completely forgot that I told myself I was going to listen to this one next. I finally remembered and got to revisit my love for this wonderful debut album by one of the most influential punk bands of all time. Wowzeroony.
  29. Fleetwood Mac – Tusk
    I was listening to the song Tusk, which is a song I love dearly and listen to quite a lot, and just thought to myself “hmm, why don’t I just listen to the album, why not?”. There’s incredible strength in that one simple question, Why Not? The power of Why Not? Is so strong that it can get anyone to do basically anything. If faced with any situation, all you have to do is go Why Not? And it will propel you into it, hands-free, head first, without a parachute.  TUSK!
  30. They Might Be Giants – The Else
    I took a break from my They Might Be Giants discography listen but this week seemed like THE week to just tackle every music listening mood I was in. I already did KISS and Frank Zappa, so why not also do They Might Be Giants (there’s that why not again!). I’m super close to getting to the end of this one, with two bands done, it will give me so much more space for other discographies to listen to! Who will it be? Who Knows! The anticipation is killing me! (but not really).
  31. Mighty Mighty Bosstones – Let’s Face It
    I didn’t know what album to listen to next, so reached out to Cristina to give me one. After she so hilariously declared the vague idea of CHRISTMAS, she eventually suggested this one after I turned it down saying I was saving Christmas albums for closer to actual Christmas (yes they are indeed coming). She had The Impression I Get stuck in her head for a bit after hearing it at her job and from there thought it’d be a good recommendation for me. Seeing as I love Ska music, yes, this was indeed a great recommendation and to this day I’m shocked I hadn’t heard it during my big Ska phase in my early 20s.
  32. Tonio K. – Life in the Foodchain
    I don’t know anyone who knows Tonio K. or has even heard of him. One guy I do know is a fan, though, is Weird Al Yankovic, who did not one but TWO style parodies of the man (his songs “Happy Birthday” and “I Was Only Kidding” are in the style of Tonio K.). That’s how I discovered this gem of an album, being a huge lover of Weird Al and his song Happy Birthday (which still gets heavy rotation on my speakers) I just had to check out the original artist, which led me to this album. It’s one of those albums I own that feel like a little treasure that I pull out to show to people and has been for the last ten years or so. Always feels like a nice treat to revisit it.
  33. Gang of Four – Entertainment!
    What better way to end the week than with the jerky aggression and leftist politics of the post-punk band Gang of Four. 
